Top 4 Ways to Become the Best Solution

Until you position yourself as the best solution to solve the buyer’s problem, you are selling just as much for every other company’s solution as your own. Here are the top four ways to position yourself as the best solution. After you have first established yourself as a think-partner, and after you have moved this decision […]

3 Leading Indicators of the Sales Process

In Stephen Covey’s best selling book The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People, he introduces the concept of the “circle of concern verses circle of influence”. The Circle of Concern would include areas where we have little control yet continue to fret over the outcome (reactive), whereas the Circle of Influence represents areas which we have the ability […]

What Do Buyers Value Most in Sellers?

According to HR Chally Research, which of the following categories do you think was the most important in the buyer’s selection process? Price Service Product Competency of the Salesperson Most often, buyers cite the competency of the salesperson as the most important factor in their selection process. That means that above all, the salesperson him or herself […]

5 Ways to Use Visuals to Persuade Prospects

A picture is worth a thousand words. That’s because we process images much quicker than words. In fact, visuals are processed 600,000 times faster than text and while people only retain 10% of what they hear and 20% of what they read, they retain 80% of what they see. That’s why the next time you […]

How Salespeople Make Great First Impressions

In Malcolm Gladwell’s book Blink he informs us that we make surprisingly accurate assessments in the first few seconds of meeting someone new. It’s called “thin-slicing” and we all do it whether we realize it or not. Just think back to the last time you met someone new. After a few minutes of speaking, do you remember […]

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