The Key to an Effective Sales Proposal

Effective sales proposals are great presentations, but they’re also so much more than that. They involve psychology, storytelling, and inspiring your audience to respond to your call to action. Essentially, it’s all about striking at the root of emotion! As sales professionals, we want to transfer emotions from ourselves to the buyer. In order to […]

The Top 5 Sales Proposal Errors

The top five most common errors when presenting a sales proposal have to do with developing the clarity of the narrative or story. And here are the five biggest mistakes in developing that story: no clear purpose, no audience benefit, no clear progression of events, too much detail, and/or too long-winded. Many sales presentations only […]

Face-to-Face Persuasion in a Facebook Era

For all the positives technology and social media bring to our lives, there is a downside: many people become rusty and less persuasive when they’re finally forced to interact face-to-face. Here’s how professional conversationalists, like talk-show hosts and world-class salespeople, can teach us all something about getting great information from key people.