What Your Game Face Reveals About Your Persuasive Talent
When someone speaks to us, we look first to their eyes and then to their mouths to judge whether they can be trusted. If their face and their words do not match, we believe the face. Ever wonder “is my Game Face congruent with my words?” If not, you should; as this directly affects your persuasive talent.
Most of us believe we are great at suppressing our true feelings, but we are not! Eventually, how we feel is revealed, if only for a fraction of a second. Even though we may disguise specific feelings, they will eventually show up.
Although most of us have not been professionally trained in reading body language, people everywhere have a keen ability to pick up on these microexpressions. Your Game Face over-rides your words, so consciously pay special attention to your eyes and mouth, because others do subconsciously!
Here’s what your Game Face may be saying, first with the eyes and then with the mouth.
1. Eye Contact
Making eye contact is a signal that you are “confident and honest” when you are talking and “engaged and listening” when they are talking. We tend to hold eye contact longer with people we like and less with those we don’t. Just don’t over do it and stare. Staring is usually viewed as being bored and daydreaming, or worse, it can be perceived as you trying to intimidate others. It’s okay to blink, it’s only natural. However, blinking too much is received as being shifty, uncertain, or dishonest.
2. Eyebrow Flash
Raising the eyebrow is recognized as “interested” or as a greeting. However, if done too often or held for too long it can be interpreted as surprise or disbelief.
3. Furrowed Brow
Both eyebrows are drawn together in a look of anger or confusion or just concentrating. Try to relax your face.
4. Smile
The most universal and powerful of all the body language signals, a real smile means “I’m happy to see you and I’m glad to be here.” Nine out of ten people will smile back when smiled at first. Smile at people first and it will put both of you in a great emotional state.
5. Smirk
Unlike the smile, the smirk is usually tight-lipped with one side of the mouth raised – the whole face is not smiling. While the smile unites, the smirk repels. It is both judgmental and dismissive; it shows utter disdain for the other.
The best technique for displaying the most persuasive Game Face is not a technique at all. The best thing you can do is to simply get your mind right. Your intent is more important than your technique. Eventually, what you feel on the inside will be revealed on the outside – so make sure the inside is noble and your persuasive talent will shine through!