4 Simple Methods to Validate a Potential Client’s Value Proposition

This post details how to write a business proposal that utilizes the 4 best methods to validate your value proposition to your potential client.

No matter how your presentation outline starts or how strong your business relationship, your prospective customer has to know before they commit: does your solution work?

Now that you have developed the value proposition and have drafted most of your sample business proposal, you probably want to know, how can I validate my unique value proposition?

At the beginning of the business proposal template, the salesperson develops a strong start. This tactic drew a distinct contrast between our solution and every other solution, establishing ours as preferable. If we have been persuasive in the business relationship so far, the buyer wants to believe in our solution. At the end of the presentation outline, though, we have to prove that what we said is true.

Click here for Program on Persuasion’s start-to-finish instructions on how to write a business proposal.

There are four ways to support your value proposition:

  1.      Third-Party Validation
  2.      Demonstration
  3.      Data Provision
  4.      Painting the Vision

Third Party Validation

The most powerful way to prove the soundness of the value proposition is Third-Party Validation. The best way to use third-party validation is in the form of a referral or a testimonial.

Note: The closer your referral or testimonial is to solving your new potential client’s specific issue—and how that value proposition achieved the desired result—the more powerful that third-party validation will be.


The second most powerful way of providing proof to your prospective customer is to actually Demonstrate how your solution works. If possible, let your potential clients do the demonstration themselves. By letting them demonstrate, they not only learn how to perform the task, but also take ownership of the product.

Data Provision

The third most effective way of providing proof of the value proposition’s effectiveness is through providing data. This data should include product specifications as compared to a baseline.

To use this kind of validation, you actually present facts and figures, graphs and charts, to show your product or service’s effectiveness.

Paint the Vision

The fourth way to provide proof is to paint a vision of what’s possible by using a similar situation to show your product or service’s effectiveness to your potential client.

One of the best examples of painting a vision was at Mac World in 2007, when Steve Jobs introduced the world to the iPhone.  Part of his presentation was creating proof that Apple had the potential to change the world with the iPhone. Here’s what he said in order to provide the proof and paint the vision:

“In 1984, we introduced the Macintosh. It didn’t just change Apple. It changed the whole computer industry. In 2001, we introduced the first iPod, and… it didn’t just – it didn’t just change the way we all listen to music, it changed the entire music industry. Well, today, we’re introducing three revolutionary products of this class.” To see the rest of the vision that Steve Jobs painted, click here.


These four simple types of providing validation seal the business proposal template and show your prospective customer that your value proposition is sound, and so is there decision to buy from you.


Photo by Startup Stock Photos.